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How To Fix A Broken Lock

How to fix a broken lock

Discovering one of the locks on your property is broken is concerning. The security of your business will be compromised and your assets will be vulnerable. For these reasons, and to keep your property secure, a functional lock is essential.

From forced entry and lack of maintenance, to wear and tear or extreme weather conditions, multiple factors can cause a lock to break. But, there are ways to fix a broken door lock and restore your peace of mind by ensuring your property remains protected. Lock-Up Services, a Toronto commercial locksmith, has all the advice needed for this. In this article, we’ll explore each step to help you fix and ensure your lock is in working order.

Understanding The Problem

Many types of locks function in unique ways – and they can each incur damage in different ways, especially because they each have different mechanisms. For example, a latch mechanism that becomes misaligned can mean your lock ceases to function correctly.

A few examples of locks and their components are just below:

  • Deadbolts: This lock is made up of pins that enable the key to operate the lock and a lock cylinder that contains the keyway and the key pins. It features a faceplate, which is positioned on the door’s edge and contains holes for the latch, which keeps the door firmly shut.
  • Knob locks: A knob lock features components such as the knob that ensures you can handle the lock, and is attached to a spindle connector that extends between the doorknob on the outside and the one on the inside. It features a latch and a lock cylinder, which keeps the door closed and contains the keyway, respectively.
  • Lever handle locks: Lever handle locks have features such as the handle, which you can use to manipulate the lock and lock or unlock the door. And it also features a spindle and a latch, a lock cylinder and a keyway.

Now, many of the common issues of broken locks often relate to many of these components. For example, wear and tear may wear down the keyway of a knob lock, and this may mean the lock stops functioning as expected. Here are some common problems you might encounter with broken locks:

  • Key won’t turn: You could be trying to deal with a key that won’t turn – and this tends to be related to jammed locks. For example keys that are incorrectly cut can cause this issue, as well as obstructions such as a small piece of the key broken inside the lock.
  • Lock is stuck: You might encounter a lock for your home or business that is stuck – and the main cause for this can be debris inside a lock. In other cases, components might be covered in rust, and this causes the lock to stick.
  • Key breaks in the lock: You could be dealing with a situation when the key breaks inside the existing lock. For example, the key may break in the middle and leave a large section lodged within the lock’s cylinder. In this situation, the lock can jam or become damaged – and it can be tricky to remove the piece of the key without residential or commercial locksmith services.

Tools and Materials Needed

It’s especially important to have the right tools when beginning the process of fixing a broken lock. The correct tools, such as replacement parts, ensure you’re fully equipped to handle the problem. For example, a pair of tweezers may help you remove a broken key from the lock. Here is a list of tools you’ll want to consider:

  • Screwdriver: You may find that disassembling the lock is necessary, in which case a screwdriver can be a fundamental tool. You can use the screwdriver to remove each screw that holds the lock together as you aim to assess the damage or replace components.
  • Lubricant: Lubricant can be essential if a lock is jammed, and this is because it loosens the components, allowing the key to turn more easily. An example of a useful lubricant is a dry lubricant such as graphite powder.
  • Needle nose pliers: Needle nose pliers are sometimes required to remove a broken key or part of a broken key that is stuck inside a lock. They are ideal because they offer a greater grip than tweezers.
  • Replacement parts: You may need some replacement parts, such as cylinders or latches, deadbolt mechanisms for a deadbolt lock or strike plates if this component is damaged. You may also need screws to secure and fasten the lock once you have fixed it. These replacement parts are ideal if you only need to replace specific broken components instead of the entire lock.
  • Materials: If your lock is severely broken, or multiple components are damaged, you may need a replacement lock. To begin with, you’ll need to know which lock your door uses and be able to tell the difference between each. For instance, a deadbolt lock is very different from a knob lock, featuring unique latches with different levels of security.
  • Safety gear: You’re also going to require gloves and safety glasses to protect your hands and eyes when fixing the lock – these are important to ensure metal shavings don’t cut your hands or fly into your eyes during the repair process.

Guide to Fixing a Broken Lock

Completing the fixing process for a broken lock just requires a few important steps. It begins with determining the type of problem and implementing the correct solutions for the specific issue, which our emergency locksmith service professionals will explain in the sections below.

Diagnose the Problem

Start by inspecting the lock for visible issues – and keep in mind that there are a few visible issues you may see, some of which include the following:

  • Parts that are loose
  • Physical damage like rust or dents
  • Misaligned strike plates and locks
  • Keyways that are blocked

This can indicate the type of problem you need to fix. For instance, if you see that the strike plates and locks are misaligned, this could be the reason the key won’t turn. Or, if you notice rust present in the lock or physical damage on the lock, this could show why the lock mechanism jammed.

Yet, there are ways to fix these problems, which include the methods below:

  • Fixing a key that won’t turn: Look out for obstructions in the lock, such as a broken key within the keyway. Remove the obstructing piece and apply lubricants to help the internal parts move more easily.
  • Fixing a jammed lock mechanism: Be on the lookout for dirt or debris inside the lock. Brush away the dirt and debris using a soft brush – then, follow up with a graphite-based lubricant. Such lubricants have specific benefits such as greatly reducing friction. Re-insert the key and turn it to distribute the lubricant and remove the jam.

Dealing with Specific Issues

You could be dealing with a few specific issues when handling a broken lock. Our commercial locksmiths look at three issues you could encounter and how to fix them.

Broken Key in Lock

One scenario could be having a broken key in the lock. If you are facing this issue, you are going to need a key extractor kit and lubricants, and with these tools, you can follow the steps below to remove the broken key:

  • Lubricate the lock with graphite lubricants to minimize friction.
  • Insert the key extractor into the lock and turn it slightly so it latches or hooks onto the key.
  • Use a gentle pulling motion to remove the broken key.

Lock Cylinder Issues

Another scenario could be having a faulty lock cylinder. In this case, you’ll need to fix or replace the faulty one, and following specific precautions can help with this.

  • When completing lock installation or lock replacement and testing the cylinder, never use the key to pull the door open.
  • Ensure the standard cylinder is correctly lubricated if it is jammed, but do not use WD-40, this will attract dirt within the mechanism of the cylinder. Use specialized lubricants such as graphite options for this purpose.
  • Install standard cylinders and position them so that when you insert the key, its cut edge faces the top of the door.
  • Install lever handle cylinders so that when you insert the key, its cut edge points toward the handle.

Door Alignment Problems

Sticking doors or doors that rub against the frame are two telltale signs of door alignment problems. And other issues can include gaps around the closed door or seeing that the strike plate doesn’t align with the latch. Our steps for adjusting the strike plate and hinges to correct the alignment are just below:

  • Check whether the latch is too high or too low compared with the strike plate.
  • Tighten the hinges at the lower part of the door with a screwdriver if the latch is too high.
  • Tighten the hinges at the upper part of the door with a screwdriver if the latch is too low.
  • If these methods do not work, remove the strike place and file the hole with a file to enlarge it.
  • If the gap between the latch and strike plate is significant, reposition the plate by enlarging the indented section and drilling new holes before installing the screws again.

When to Call a Professional

In some cases, the issue may be beyond a simple DIY job. You’ll know if this is the case if the lock issues are severely hindering your ability to enter the building or there are high security risks due to persisting issues with the door lock. Some signs that the problem might be too complex for DIY repair include the examples below:

  • You require highly specialized replacement parts
  • The high security locks require specialized attention
  • The keyway is severely damaged and requires an expert’s knowledge to replace it

In their experience and expertise, the specialized tools they offer and the professional tips they provide, locksmiths offer many benefits. It’s worth hiring a professional for these reasons, plus the convenience and peace of mind, increased security and enhanced safety of your assets and those who use your property.

Finding a reliable locksmith doesn’t need to be complicated. Recommendations can point you in the right direction, but it’s also ideal to consider the reviews and experience they offer. For instance, check whether they have the right credentials and licenses, enquire about the services they offer, and ask for estimates. The best locksmiths such as Lockup Services Inc. will have the experience and knowledge required to fix a broken lock quickly and efficiently.

Final Tips for Fixing a Broken Lock from Lock-Up Services

Repairing a broken lock can seem daunting and you might not know where to begin. But, by understanding the problem and checking for visible issues, gathering the correct tools and diagnosing the issue, taking the right precautions and following the right steps, you can resolve the issue.

In some cases, fixing a broken lock can be complex. So, if you require expert support, Lock-Up Services can help. Contact our commercial locksmiths in Toronto to receive the help needed to fix a broken lock and the right security measures to protect your property.