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Monthly Archives: May 2022

The Most Popular Types Of Commercial Door Locks

The Most Popular Types Of Commercial Door Locks

  When determining the best lock for your door, it’s important to know the difference between residential and commercial door locks. There are several factors that distinguish commercial-grade locks and other types of locks. Contrary to what you may believe, the cost is not one of those factors. You can acquire high-quality residential door locks which cost more than commercial locks and vice versa. One of the main differences between these locks is their durability…

Barrier-Free Door Systems For Your Business

Barrier-Free Door Systems For Your Business

Accessibility is at the heart of successful businesses. It can open the door for more customers who have been traditionally excluded from so many buildings, due to inaccessibility and physical barriers. You are probably wondering: ‘What do barrier-free door systems look like?’ ‘How can they benefit you as a business?’ If you’re scratching your head at the thought of barrier-free systems, then you’ve come to the right place. At Lock-Up Services, we don’t just provide…

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